Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Another year for EasierThan Website Design and things are looking good. Business is picking up nicely and we've got work on the books for the foreseeable future *.

So, with 2011 behind us, a few resolution's for the new year::
  • Revamp the EasierThan Website Design website. Its starting to look a bit worn now and could definitely be presented with a clearer layout for the customer (and Google!).
  • Start work on promoting the BaddersWeb badminton website template software for take-up in the 2012/2013 season.
  • Implement brief exercise breaks during the day to allow for stretching and other physical exertion. No, not that!
  • Banish dreadful (yet distracting) daytime television from the office. Background music or radio only for 2012.

Happy New Year!!

* Note, if you're reading this and you want a website, more is always welcome!

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